Clean Your Liver In 72 Hours

Clean Your Liver In 72 Hours And Lose Weight

We all know that the liver is one of the body’s most essential organs. While underappreciated until something goes wrong, it carries out many functions necessary to keep us alive. So, the bottom line is that a person can die if they do not have a healthy and properly working liver.

The liver is located on the upper right side of the stomach area and is wedge-shaped. Since it is generally responsible for maintaining digestion and metabolism, it can use an occasional cleaning. Did you know that it’s possible to clean your liver in 72 hours and lose weight too? This can certainly be done, and here we are going to show you how.

The answer is actually very simple. By using amazing detox drinks. Since these drinks are made using natural ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, this process is totally safe.

Below is one of the best recipes to fix yourself a healthy detox drink at home that will help clean your liver in 72 hours.

Clean Your Liver With Lemon Parsley Celery Drink

Lemon Parsley Celery Drink

All of the ingredients for mixing up this drink are lemons, water, celery, and parsley. Every one of these ingredients is natural metabolism boosters and natural detoxifiers. To begin with 1/4 cup lemon juice and be sure to take out all the seeds. Next, chop 1 cup of parsley in a bowl. The last thing you need to do is add 3 celery stalks in the bowl.

Mix all 3 ingredients together in a bowl, but not the water. Now it’s up to you if you want to use a blender (which is effective for the fiber content), or a juicer (if you don’t want the fiber). Once the mixture is blended or juiced, add 10 cups of water and blend or juice again. It is necessary to drink.

This juice continuously throughout the day if you want to have your liver thoroughly cleansed. Simply eat healthy foods that are low in fat if you want to benefit from the weight loss effects as well.

Lemon Parsley Celery Drink

Why Is This Drink Effective?

Each of the ingredients is amazingly efficient in cleansing your liver. After all, water is known worldwide as a detoxifier that will flush all of the harmful toxins from your body. Doing this will help raise liver function and increase metabolism.

You see, lemons are a natural detoxifier that carries plenty of essential nutrients and antioxidants. So lemon juice protects the liver while giving it’s functioning a lift.

Parsley is chock full of necessary nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, and anti-inflammatory qualities. So parsley aids in reducing radical damages, chances of liver disease, and inflammation.

A healthy and strong liver provides a stronger metabolism, removes toxins, and can even help with losing weight.

And finally, celery has been shown to increase liver function and health. Furthermore, it aids in the removal of fat buildup around the liver.

All of the above combine to make this drink one of the ultimate in detox drinks to thoroughly cleanse your liver. If you make regular use of this drink, you will have no trouble whenever you decide you want to clean your liver in 72 hours.
